This is the very spot where it took place. Although, not the very moment--this is a recreation. I was inspecting my strawberries yesterday. Some newly ripened berries had disappeared and I was trying to get to the bottom of the crime. I interrogated Austin and the neighbor boys. They seemed innocent enough. As I kneeled down and rustled through the leaves looking for more berries there it was. Right in the middle of my Strawberry pot was a big fat Robin. It wasn't moving. I was a little afraid it was dead, but its head was moving. The closer I got with my team of investigators it began to show signs of panic. It found the strength to hop out of the pot and hop across the yard. I knew it couldn't fly and how did I know? Rider chased it clear across the yard yelling "here birdie birdie" while it hopped as fast as it twiggy legs would go. I convinced Rider with a Popsicle to call off his chase. We went in the house discussing all the ways to help a bird. Austin wanted me to go immediately to Target to get some bird medicine, "you know like the kind that you put on my owie."
I completely forgot about my little Strawberry thief. Later that afternoon the little bird rescuers came in to report to me that their patient had hopped into my window well. I was relieved it wasn't Rider again, although it is much easier to get Rider out than a scared bird who can't fly. We had to wait for the cavalry to arrive (Daddy to get home) and he somehow trapped it in a bucket and delivered it to the field across the street. Luckily nobody but me heard him exclaim "okay, lets take him to the field so the kitties can eat him!" Yikes! How would I explain that one.
I checked first thing this morning to see if maybe by chance he hopped back to the safety of my strawberry pot. Apparently word travels fast in the bird world. I noticed all his little friends were there having a feast or maybe it was a bird wake. I allowed them this one indulgence,but I can't promise anything tomorrow.
My,my, what a feather of a story, Is the strawberry plant the biggest tree in your lot for a flock. I can only shake my head